Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today is the day!

Back in June, my dear friend Katie posted a series of images to mark her half marathon that she was going to do last weekend. From the series of images this one stuck a cord with me. I printed a bunch of them, left them here and there, gave them to some friends at work….

Yesterday, was finally my day…. The day that no one can force on you, the day that I made my decision… A decision to really take care of me. To live life better and to become healthy. To live life as long as I can. I was putting it off for so long, even if all my dearest friends were trying to push me towards taking the leap and “jump on the hayride”… I wasn’t ready and there yet. Life sometimes throw you a curve ball and this is the time for me to tackle it and hit my home-run!

Over 10 years ago, I moved to Ottawa. I remember the outfit for my interview…. Size 16…. Boy am I so far from that today. I know it’s not going to be easy, but I will dig to achieve my goals and be able to wear that fabulous outfit once again (even if it’s maybe not in style anymore…. but it’s my goal).

My mom has also a dream for spring 2014 for her 65th to do a race together. We didn’t talk yet about distances and all but that’s also a goal.

And.... to get whatever pants I wish to get... in whatever style!

To my dearest supporters, friends and cheerleaders – A big thank you for your patience and for always pushing me to get healthier.

This is the START of my journey.

1 comment:

  1. Goosebumps, tears....I am reading this and its like reading my own words a year and half ago....and your 'so write' the decision, the change, the click it has to come from within, it isn't something we can make someone do. SO HAPPY YOU HAVE HAD YOUR CLICK!!!!

    ok now come the tears.....
